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CARES and Families First Payroll Protection Acts - information for Benefit Funds and Labor Unions

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act both provide potential relief for nonprofit associations.

We are still awaiting important details on the many provisions of the Acts, but we wanted to provide a summary of some of the programs which will be of interest to our clients.  We will update our materials as additional information becomes available.

We have provided sections below specific to your client type. Please check back to this page periodically for updates and further information.

Relief available to clients from these Acts

Labor Unions
       Eligible for:
       Employee Retention Tax Credit
       EIDL Loan or Advance

      Employee Retention Tax Credit (for Unions)
      How these programs interact with each other
      SBA Payroll Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loans
      Tax filing extensions

Welfare and Pension Plans
       Eligible for:
       Employee Retention Tax Credit
       EIDL Loan or Advance

       Note: If the benefit funds utilize a TPA there is a chance
       that a Payroll Protection Loan would be available to the TPA.

       Employee Retention Tax Credit (Welfare and Pension Plans)
       How these programs interact with each other
       SBA Payroll Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loans
       Tax filing extensions

501(c)(3) entities (such as training funds)
       Eligible for:
       Payroll Protection Program Loan
       EIDL Loan or Advance

       Information on Payroll Protection Program
       SBA Payroll Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loans
       Tax filing extensions

Annuity and Defined Contribution Plans
       Withdrawal changes for annuity and DC plans
       Tax filing extensions

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